Thursday, September 16, 2010

Incremental #1

It was very interesting to draw multiple figures on one page. It was fun but challenging at the same time because I had to draw one figure on top of another. I do like how the drawing turned out and I also understand human movement better now.

KCAI ANIM: Pendulum

Pendulum from ipleiryte on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Metamorphosis from ipleiryte on Vimeo.

This project was very fun to do. The first 10 frames were not very easy because I am not very familiar with perspective so I had to test the reel constantly to make sure I was doing it right. The metamorphosis was very fun to do but it got very busy towards the middle so I had to decide what and how to eliminate certain elements and how to introduce new ideas. The transition from metamorphosis to the first frame of local location is not as smooth as I would like it to be. It needs more than 10 frames to become the landscape. As for the landscape, I am happy with the result. The color makes it more believable and pleasant to the eye. I did not have any frustrations with this project only had to limit my sleep time.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

KCAI ANIM: Hunting and Gathering Project , Part 1

People need time to relax, to feel peacefulness in their hearts and empty their heads of all the thoughts. People need time to live in the moment. The Jannes library lawn with all the beautiful trees surrounding it is such a place for me. It is a place where I can feel so many positive emotions together with someone precious by my side. . .

Children find the strangest places to play house in. I decided that the best place to create a comfortable home was inside a building ring of a well. All I had to do is find a board and bring in my toys and I was settled. It really was a small nice place where I could easily fit in and make clay figurines all day long.